

Unschooling Every Family

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Welcome to Unschooling Every Family, an unschooling support group for parents and caregivers of atypical* kids. Find out more at UnschoolingEveryFamily.com

We’re here to help families learn about unschooling, get support in switching to unschooling, or share their experience unschooling neurodivergent and/or disabled children.

We have found that non-coercive and relationship-based approaches work much better for our kids than most mainstream methods of education and therapy.

Unschooling is a type of homeschooling, but it is very different from the “school-at-home” approach most people are familiar with. It requires a paradigm shift for parents’ minds, which is called deschooling.

If you are able, your donation is appreciated! If not, we appreciate your work to be a better parent and community member and your contributions to the group. Donations in any amount make this work more sustainable. Just a few dollars every month or even a few dollars a year would allow us to offer tokens of appreciation to our admin team (who collectively volunteer 40-60 hours per week!), pay artists for website visuals, work toward more audio resources, and give back to neurodivergent and disabled creators who have taught us so much.

Every day dozens of families join our support group feeling lost after their kid has been traumatized by school. We have new families struggling with kids in burnout, feeling uncertain, or feeling like it’s impossible to balance everyone’s needs. Our support group is a safety net, catching so many of these families when they don’t know what’s next.

The information here comes from other parents who have offered their experiences over the years. The website and group are maintained by our volunteer admins behind the scenes.

Donation supports our team’s ongoing work. This includes maintaining websites and groups, private one-on-one support, and organizing information. This also includes consulting on issues that need insight from lived experience or research–from neurodivergent parents, BIPOC, an international perspective, disabled adults, mental health professionals, CPS coaches, etc.

Donations also support paying website fees, accessibility efforts (audio and video) and purchasing outside materials (art, pdfs, etc.) to make the information more accessible, accurate, and helpful.

*Atypical includes neurodivergent, (autism, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, ADHD, gifted, 2E, highly sensitive, TBI, bipolar, etc.), physical disabilities, genetic differences, sensory differences, Downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, chronic asthma, epilepsy, blind and visually impaired, deaf and hearing impaired, medically complex, chronic illness, chronic pain, mental and behavioral health issues, explosive, avoidant, cancer or other illness, PTSD, and cPTSD, and other forms of neurodivergence and/or disability.


UnschoolingEveryFamilyさんは8 か月前に参加しました。


