

marginalised artist and creative living with abusers and in poverty

寄付   PayPal


we are queer autistic genderqueer, and plural. we have no income.

to pass our time and take care of ourselves we do art, mainly visual arts. especially we do a lot of photography and web design, and part of why we're accepting donations is to try and afford lenses for our camera. we currently have one lens and it's very limiting for what we want to do (it's ttartisan 27mm f2.8 aspc lens, so, by design, very boring lens for general purpose stuff).

we also spend time working on our personal website and a lot of people seem to really appreciate it :3

we are also physically quite isolated because we live in a small village and share house with abusers, who take away our physical resources like cash and clothing and food, at their own discretion, and they treat me like their property. being isolated also makes it basically impossible to afford transportation to doctor's appointments, jobs and other opportunities, to see friends, and just generally escape my current situation.

short term, we'd like to have the freedom to take control over these aspects of our daily life with some stability, and in the long term, we'd like to have the ability to leave our home and live somewhere safer and more sustainable, and where we can achieve things on our own. this is also why we are accepting donations.

we are also veryvery cute (this isn't really related but we do do self portrait modelling a lot and it's a lot of fun but nobody ever asks us to model for them :( )




elysiaさんは1 年前に参加しました。

1週あたりの収入(カナダ ドル)
