
Akshay Oppiliappan

I write free software with Rust and Vim

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I am a compsci undergrad, Rust programmer and an enthusiastic Vimmer.

I write free and open source software to pass time:
- dijo: scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker
- eva: a calculator REPL, similar to bc(1)
- taizen: curses based mediawiki browser
- pista: a simple {bash, zsh} prompt for programmers

I also design fonts:
- scientifica: a tall, condensed bitmap font for geeks
- curie: scientifica's slightly up-scaled sister font

You can read about my experiences with design, programming and tech over at peppe.rs.

The software I write will always be freely available to everyone, the donations you make will simply allow me to spend more time writing it.




dijo スター 2769 3 か月前に更新

scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker

eva スター 786 4 か月前に更新

a calculator REPL, similar to bc(1)

taizen スター 288 5 か月前に更新

curses based mediawiki browser

scientifica スター 1771 6 か月前に更新

tall, condensed, bitmap font for geeks

pista スター 196 1 年前に更新

a simple {bash, zsh} prompt for programmers

fondant スター 60 4 年前に更新

macro based configuration management library

curie スター 179 5 年前に更新

An upscaled version of scientifica.


nerdypepperさんは4 年前に参加しました。

1週あたりの収入(インド ルピー)
