
David C. Drake

creating games, videos, and a custom Arch Linux installer

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I develop games, produce videos, maintain a custom Arch Linux installer, and contribute to other open source projects, wikis, etc., whenever I see an opportunity to put my coding, writing, or Mandarin Chinese language skills to good use.




godot-experiments スター 2 2 か月前に更新

Simple experiments with the Godot 4 game engine

unity-experiments スター 1 7 か月前に更新

Simple experiments with the Unity game engine

lolcode-experiments スター 3 1 年前に更新

Simple experiments with LOLCODE

warchief-cpp スター 3 1 年前に更新

Turn-based strategy-RPG based on the tabletop wargame Fantasy Warriors

heroquest-cpp スター 1 1 年前に更新

3D action-adventure game based on HeroQuest

draw-cpp スター 4 1 年前に更新

Simple OpenGL drawing program featuring Bezier curves

chess-cpp スター 1 1 年前に更新

Simple OpenGL chess program

toads-adventure-py スター 2 1 年前に更新

Simple 2D platformer inspired by Super Mario Bros. 2

asteroids-py スター 1 1 年前に更新

Simple space shoot 'em up

minesweeper-py スター 3 6 年前に更新

A simple Minesweeper clone

words-of-power-c スター 1 6 年前に更新

Text-based fantasy RPG with an emphasis on spell-casting by stringing words together

pebblequest スター 17 6 年前に更新

First-person fantasy action-RPG for the Pebble smartwatch

spacemerc スター 2 6 年前に更新

Sci-fi FPS game for the Pebble smartwatch

mazecrawler スター 5 6 年前に更新

First-person maze-navigation game for the Pebble smartwatch


theDrakeさんは3 か月前に参加しました。


