
Lente Tisquesusa

An alternative and critical vision about the problems of the Sabana and Colombia

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Facatativá city

At Lente Tisquesusa we want to offer readers, women, men, girls, boys and the elderly an alternative version of municipal reality, focusing on criticism of injustices, relying on analysis, documentation, content. multimedia that facilitate the understanding of many events in the municipality. This initiative is being led by a group of young people convinced that Facatativá (and Cundinamarca, Colombia) politics needs oxygen and new faces or voices that represent the sectors that have not been heard, represented, or understood. This is, therefore, a contribution to the cultural change of our municipality, which we hope will focus much more on the growth of its inhabitants, their happiness, and their prosperity with opportunities.

You can find us at:

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Editorial group – Lente Tisquesusa


tisquesusaさんは4 か月前に参加しました。

