

Engineering Consultant/Creative Writer/Digital Artist

寄付   PayPal


I know how to honestly and ethically operate as a financial conduit. I will work on a group's common goals for steady pay that affords me an above poverty wage. If I am forced to beg for money and even then I am unable to find money from anyone in the industry but my family, I will drop the industry like a ton of bricks and write things that make me laugh and things that make me come. I hate most of you people. I would rather entertain myself than jump through your government mandated hoops that are basically indirect taxation without representation. I have no responsibility to fill out any of your sites' friendly reminder portions or personal bios. I've never had a secret identity. I've been on camera for the majority of my life. I'm on camera right now. If you think I'm here, writing personal tidbits about my mental health journey and mountains of identifiable information about my whereabouts and my motives in order to swindle you out of $200 a month and then escape to Mexico you aren't very intelligent. Please consider paying a wage for content creation on the internet for individuals over the age of 25. You subsidize all sorts of other things that aren't necessity. Hell, the three letter United States government agencies are the ones responsible for the majority of illegal cocaine being trafficked into the country from the drug cartels in Mexico. But I digress. I was supposed to be proving to you in a text dump that I am worthy of a wage for labor nobody ordered on websites everyone denies they visit. I know. Let's just forget about the child sex slaves. That will fix it. Let's write clauses in our user agreements that clearly state you aren't allowed to use drugs or have sex with children if you use this service. That will eradicate a male's urge to ejaculate and it will fix the fact that men are attracted to young females. Also if you mention in the clauses that you aren't allowed to use drugs the Mexican drug lords will eventually feel guilty that they aren't allowed into your club and they will follow the laws as you write them in your imaginary cyber portals. In conclusion, I think I am worthy of a living wage for being able to stomach the UNBELIEVABLE mountain of bullshit you expect me to swallow everyday by operating my legally purchased MacBook Air on your servers which also deal in the data of the bank transfers related to the majority of illegal weapons, drugs, and sex trafficking trade that goes on everyday. Thanks for coming to my TED text. This isn't directed at you, kind wanderer of the internet. But I feel as though this should remain up as an example of what I mean when I say, "I like my job right now".




toki スター 0 2 か月前に更新

TOKI-BOT, the friendly code-generator for fledgling open-source data producers

saisonxiang スター 1 5 か月前に更新

A synopsis of my current long term project goals as well as my hobbies


toki_mandrakeさんは1 年前に参加しました。

